What health says about your fitness?

General Articles

When it comes to health so no doubt we all are quite even extra conscious about our health just for the sake to maintain our health level we are very much picky about the things which we buy for eating.

There are even some people who are diet conscious and prefer to eat fresh fruits and vegetables instead of oily and junk food. But apart from this, what about those who are addicted to something and destroying their lives with their own hands?

What is your fitness age? - Blackmores

Yes, I am talking about drugs and smoking. How many of you guys are aware that smoking not just slowly kills you but also before killing you it completely destructs your mental and physical health as well.

Before writing this article, I was doing research surfing and during the time of research, I have found a report in which it was mentioned that our 50 percent generation is getting affected by this smoking. Additionally, our youngsters are becoming chain smokers which is somehow a big sign of alert for all of us why? Because they say our youngsters are our next future which is undoubtedly a right and wise truth.

How to stay our generation away from smoking?


Well, claiming to make the nation free from smoking is undoubtedly a white lie. None of us can do this, rest, there are alternative options through which we can at least control the increment of smokers and try to lift their lives from a chain smoker to the normal one.

Among the series of alternatives, vape juice is also one of the finest options which you guys can consider.

This vape is also called e-cigarettes or on the other hand, known by the name of nicotine vape juice. The best thing about this e-cigarette is that it can come up into different flavors so a smoker can easily switch on this e-cigarette instead of other alternatives as he or she can find its favorite flavor in these e-cigarettes.

From where can you get this?


When it comes to buying, so, you can easily buy this e-cigarette from any online site or any local nearby mart/ store. Despite this, there are also cafes and dining restaurants that offer you this e-cigarette on demand.

At the initial level, it is quite ok to switch on this e-cigarette. The reason I am saying this because it is far better than a smoking cigarette .although the excessive use of the vape may also create issues in your body like it can affect your immune system, disturb your health stability, and effected your lungs too.

So make sure that if you are a chain smoker and recently switch yourself from smoking to vape are trying to take it when you feel so much crave or desire of smoking.

Instead of this, my advice for you to please not make it habitual as everything which we use, eat, and drink has its specific limit. And when we try to exceed or cross that limit o it automatically becomes the source of a hurdle for us.


At last, hope this little piece of advice will help you out, rest, you can also consider www.ecigoz.com if you are buying a vape online.