Almost everyone has one mole on his body. There is a mole whose appearance sweetens your appearance, and some are aesthetically disturbing. In fact, some people intend to eliminate it by surgery.
Actually, as long as your mole shows no sign of skin cancer (such as growing bigger and changing color), you should not need to remove the birthmark. However, if the mole does not make you confident, you can just eliminate it.
Unusual forms of moles, wounds, lumps, can suddenly appear unnoticed, or changes in appearance and sensation in the area of the skin may be a sign of the appearance of melanoma or other types of skin cancer. In Curamed Medical and Aesthetic, you can choose mole removal singapore for safely, they will need to assess your condition with proper consultation to advice on the best method for treating your skin lesion. Most of the minor procedures can be performed on the same day after consultation.
The most important sign of melanoma is a new mole that appears on the skin after the early teenager. Melanoma is one of the most deadly forms of skin cancer, it may begin as a flat mole and over time grow. In rare cases, this skin condition may not be pigmented. at CuraMed Medical & Aesthetics
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You can refer to “ABCDE” which is another way to make it easier for you to tell which is the classic sign of melanoma. If you have one of the warning signs below, immediately tell the doctor to get the right diagnosis. Following are guidelines or the time for your mole to be operated on
A = Asymmetry
Moles generally have a perfectly symmetrical shape, and one of the edges will match the other. Moles suspected of being a symptom of skin cancer will have a mismatch in size and shape. This is because the cell on one side grows faster than the other. Cancer cells will tend to develop faster than normal cells, and in irregular patterns.
B = Border
Normal moles will have clearly defined and separate boundaries where your skin color ends and where the color pigmentation due to the mole begins. If the edges of a mole appear blurry (like someone who is coloring outside the line) this can be a sign of cancer. Ragged or blurred edges are also caused by uncontrolled cancer cell growth.
C = Color
As long as the color of the mole remains solid, equally flat on all sides, your mole is normal and there is no need to worry. However, if you see a variety of shades in one area of a mole, this can be cancerous. Melanoma will be shaped like a patch that has a different shades of color from one type of color. For example, in the middle of a pink color that darkens reddish on the edges, or the opposite. Or a cancer mole can show completely different color spots in one place, such as red, white, gray in a mole.
D = Diameter
Normal moles will remain the same size all the time. Moles that grow large suddenly, larger than 6 millimeters, can indicate a problem. Even so, melanoma is also sometimes found in smaller sizes than it should be.
E = Evolving
Changes in moles are a negative sign when discussing a mole. A mole that changes color, size, and shape, so that it looks very different from all other moles on the skin, indicates that this is your time to discuss with your doctor.
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