What health says about your fitness?

When it comes to health so no doubt we all are quite even extra conscious about our health just for the sake to maintain our health level we are very much picky about the things which we buy for eating.

There are even some people who are diet conscious and prefer to eat fresh fruits and vegetables instead of oily and junk food. But apart from this, what about those who are addicted to something and destroying their lives with their own hands?

What is your fitness age? - Blackmores

Yes, I am talking about drugs and smoking. How many of you guys are aware that smoking not just slowly kills you but also before killing you it completely destructs your mental and physical health as well.

Before writing this article, I was doing research surfing and during the time of research, I have found a report in which it was mentioned that our 50 percent generation …

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The Inner Bond of Mother and Baby in the Womb

Maybe you think that the bond between mother and new baby will really form after the baby is born. But in fact, the first step to building bonding or bonding between mother and baby can be started in the womb or during pregnancy and born.

The benefits of building a bond between mother and baby in the womb

Practice hypnobirthing

Prior to birth, many prenatal classes are offered so that mothers are better prepared for the birth process. One of them is hypnobirthing.

This childbirth class uses hypnotherapy techniques to help you focus on your baby and your body to deal with the birthing process and increase the bond between mother and baby.

Hypnobirthing techniques can make you understand more about ways to deal with pain during the birth process.

Besides being able to make the mother’s body and mind more ready, this technique can also help strengthen the bond …

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Feeling Good About Yourself: Good Habits to Start



Feeling good can be a challenge. Every day, life pulls us down and makes us feel bad about ourselves. But giving up is not going to solve anything. If you want to feel good about yourself, you need to be active about it.

How I Broke Free From Anxiety | Sandy Hounsell

Here are some useful habits that will help boost your feelings and self-worth:


Learn to Go Forward


Many people think too much about the past. They look back on what has happened and they feel like that they made a mistake or things were unfair. If this is you, then you should learn to move forward. Life usually throws a variety of obstacles and challenges at you. Think that you could have done better or regretting over them can only make it worse. You should learn to keep moving to the next experience and hope for more opportunities.

Find People Who Raise

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The Best Exercises for Chronic Pain

Personal Trainers on the Best Exercises for People With Chronic ...

Exercising the pain away might seem counterintuitive, but studies have shown that keeping fit is actually an effective treatment for chronic pain. Although it might be challenging at first, regular activity can keep your muscles strong and flexible. During and after a good workout, stress levels decrease and your body releases endorphins which slow down pain signals from getting to your brain. Naturally, not every exercise is made equal. Some may be too difficult for you to do, so it’s best to figure out which ones are appropriate for your level of fitness. 

A reputable chronic pain treatment program can tailor a fitness regimen that is perfect for you, but you can also take your pick from the following exercise to try out yourself.


Get a move on with a simple and light physical activity like walking. Just a few minutes of walking can already provide lots of oxygen …

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Things to Know Before Setting Foot in a Marijuana Dispensary

Setting foot in a cannabis dispensary as a newbie is challenging. That is not only because you have not tried marijuana yet but also because you probably do not know why you want to try it out. However, the cannabis industry being so sensitive, you should do proper research early before stepping into one.

There will be weed, but where?

For instance, beginners should find a cannabis dispensary that is friendly to their level. Remember, there are different levels of experience with cannabis, and beginners cannot be at the same level as experienced people. Here are some ideas to help you start.

Prepare to answer your budtender why you are there.

As you know, there are various strains of cannabis out there. Some even may not be known to you, especially if you are a novice. Therefore, your budtender may want to explain everything to you before you start your journey with cannabis.

Some of the …

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