Factors that Age Your Skin and How to Deal with Them

11 Ways To Improve Your Skin Elasticity – SkinKraft

Utah’s elevation, climate, and environment can be hard on the skin. Several factors contribute to accelerated skin aging, requiring a little more effort to avoid or deal with them.

Ultraviolet Radiation
Ultraviolet (UV) radiation from the sun is the biggest factor in premature and visible skin aging. UV penetrates the skin, damaging the epidermis and reducing the skin’s elasticity. This gives rise to wrinkles or sagging in parts of the face. If UV penetrates deeper, it can damage even damage fat cells and collagen. Enough UV damage can also change your skin’s DNA, giving rise to melanoma and other types of skin cancer. Utah’s elevation further makes residents more vulnerable to the adverse effects of UV radiation. UV gets more concentrated the higher the elevation is, around 7 percent for every thousand feet.

Salt Lake City residents are exposed to 28 percent more UV, with Park City residents bearing the

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Scientifically-Proven Weight Loss Tips You Should Follow

Best Weight Loss Supplements: Top 5 Diet Pills For 2021 | Paid Content |  St. Louis | St. Louis News and Events | Riverfront Times

Weight loss is a subject surrounded by myths. You are bound to get a hundred different weight loss tips from a hundred different people. But how many of these tips do actually work? Not many, right? Most of the time, you end up more confused than you actually were and give up with the weight loss program.

But, what if we told you several weight-loss strategies that have been scientifically proven. These tips are guaranteed to help you shed those extra pounds. Here are some weight loss tips with scientific evidence to back them up:


Drinking water before meals

Drinking water can help reduce weight, sounds unbelievable, isn’t it? It is, however, true. Drinking water can help boost your body’s metabolism rate by up to thirty percent. In fact, drinking two liters of water daily can increase the body’s energy spending by approximately 400 KJ. This, in turn, can help

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Bouncing Back From Stress: 4 Things You Need To Do

How to Bounce Back from Stress at Work - Ms. Career Girl

We’ve all accepted stress as a normal part of life. One can even argue that stress is all around us, from our job and social life down to the media we consume. In small amounts, stress can be beneficial. It pushes us to do better and work smarter. But if we let it consume us, it can lead to a host of mental and physical issues down the line.

Too much of something is always bad, and if we don’t find a way to manage our stress sustainably, you might find it more difficult to bounce back from challenges. There’s evidence to suggest that stress-related illnesses are on the rise, especially among young professionals. If you don’t find a way to slow down, the illness may never go away.

The solution is deceptively simple. Many of us know what to do but choose to follow our old habits. If there’s

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Your Guide to Orthotics and Tips For Wearing Them | Bon Secours Blog

Accidents, birth defects, injuries, or certain diseases are some of the reasons people suffer broken limbs and orthopedic difficulties. Fortunately, it is possible to make life easier for such a person through orthotics services. An orthotist helps patients regain their mobility by fitting them with orthopedic braces or artificial footwear.  If you or your family member has broken limbs, getting orthotics is ideal.  Many companies manufacture orthotics, so it is best to make all the careful considerations to choose the best provider. 

You should settle for the best orthotics service provider, such as EVO Laboratory, to ensure you get the best orthotics. Your search will be much easier when you follow these tips.

Custom services

When it comes to orthotics, every patient has different needs from the other. Therefore, it is best to choose an orthotics service provider that offers custom solutions to meet your specific requirements. A good …

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5 Tips to Help You Locate the Best Dentist in the Area

Regular visits to the dentist should be one of your few top healthcare priorities. Having unhealthy teeth and oral cavity can lead to so many health problems not just in your mouth, but throughout the body.

The dentist is not your regular doctor. You don’t go to most of them before you have some problem, but dental care should be a regular practice regardless of your condition. The dentists will check out how your teeth are going and although you feel no pain, they might find out that something’s wrong.

For example, developing caries is not something you see nor feel. You won’t be aware that one tooth is slowly decaying. Before you know it, the tooth starts aching and you go to the dentists. They tell you it is too late and take it out.

You only have so many teeth in your mouth and wasting them that way …

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