Factors that Age Your Skin and How to Deal with Them
Utah’s elevation, climate, and environment can be hard on the skin. Several factors contribute to accelerated skin aging, requiring a little more effort to avoid or deal with them.
Ultraviolet Radiation
Ultraviolet (UV) radiation from the sun is the biggest factor in premature and visible skin aging. UV penetrates the skin, damaging the epidermis and reducing the skin’s elasticity. This gives rise to wrinkles or sagging in parts of the face. If UV penetrates deeper, it can damage even damage fat cells and collagen. Enough UV damage can also change your skin’s DNA, giving rise to melanoma and other types of skin cancer. Utah’s elevation further makes residents more vulnerable to the adverse effects of UV radiation. UV gets more concentrated the higher the elevation is, around 7 percent for every thousand feet.
Salt Lake City residents are exposed to 28 percent more UV, with Park City residents bearing the …
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