Start Loving Yourself the Easy Way

Loving others may be easier than loving yourself. The reason is, some people have difficulty accepting self-deficiencies and feel insecure about what other people have.

In fact, loving yourself or self-love is very important and you can start getting used to it with simple things.

Minimize negative thoughts

Negative thoughts are the beginning you often demean yourself. Therefore, it is important to know how to control these negative thoughts.

When negative thoughts arise, start to think about what makes you confident, for example the strengths or achievements you have.

Still not effective? Try to imagine the things you love and the moments that make you happy. In addition, you should also reduce the consumption of negative news.

According to a study published in the Canadian Medical Association Journal, hearing too much bad news can make you feel afraid and burdened, thus forming unhealthy thoughts.

Hang out with positive people

One …

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Facts You Did Not Know About Edmonton Optometry Clinic

Suppose you have vision issues. In that case, you have already thought about getting contact lenses, glasses, or eye surgery. Generally, you cannot handle everyday tasks without proper aid. 

However, the law of optics changed everything, so we can find a wide array of options to help us see better than before. The best way to learn everything about eye exam is after clicking here for additional information. 

It is important to remember that the Greeks and the Romans were the first to study optics laws. At the same time, they knew about refraction and light magnification, which allowed them to create visual aids. 

Still, the Franciscan Order in the 13th century created the first reading aid. They used a plano-convex shape with polished glass to magnify the letters. These aids became highly popular across Europe.

Skills You Should Expect from Optometrists

You probably understand by now that optometrists …

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The Key to Peace with Yourself

Making peace with yourself is not as easy as it sounds. Often you have high hopes or expectations, even of yourself. Setting expectations and targets that are too heavy for oneself actually adds to the burden, especially if the expectations and targets that are made are not in accordance with one’s capacity and ability to achieve them.

Comparing yourself to others can also be a trigger for the difficulty of making peace with yourself. ‘The grass is greener on the other side’ is true. The easy access you have to see other people’s lives sometimes makes you feel ‘small’ and ungrateful for what you already have.

If left unchecked, this can have an impact on your acceptance of yourself and prevent you from finding true happiness.

how to make peace with yourself

Being at peace with yourself is the same as loving yourself completely. According to Psychology Today, loving …

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Why You Hate Yourself and Negative Effects 2

Self-loathing or self-loathing is an attitude that almost everyone has probably experienced. If left unchecked, this condition can make it difficult for you to develop.

Therefore, it is important to recognize the causes of self-loathing and find appropriate ways to deal with it.

The negative impact of self-loathing

Hate is a form of negative emotion that can last a long time. When that happens, your mental and physical health may take a hit.

Here are some of the effects of self-hatred that are often not realized.


Self-loathing often makes a person no longer care about their health, appearance and lifestyle.

This thinking is often shown by overeating without thinking about the needs and abilities of the body.

Instead of using it as a source of energy intake, you actually make food as an outlet for hatred.

Over time, uncontrolled eating habits can increase the risk of health problems such …

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How to overcome self-loathing

So that your self-loathing tendency doesn’t drag on any longer, here are some ways you can try to overcome it.

Reducing self-criticism

Evaluating what you have done so far is certainly a good thing because it can help you improve yourself.

However, you shouldn’t give yourself too much criticism, let alone lead to hatred.

One way you can reduce self-criticism is to appreciate every effort you’ve made.

Even though you haven’t produced maximum results, at least you have tried and tried your best.

Start learning to love yourself

Self-love or loving yourself is one of the best ways to fight self-loathing.

Start self-love by remembering how you treated other people when they were hit by failure.

Do you criticize the mistake or see it as a way of learning from it? Well, try to apply these thoughts to yourself.

If you can do good and care for others, you …

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