How can we help our children with autism fit in with other children?
As parents, it can break our hearts when we see our children with autism struggle with different feelings. Often children with autism may end up avoiding social situations altogether because of the challenge of deciphering social signals. Also, the sounds, sounds, and smells of people around them may be too much for them from a sensory point of view. Finally, they may experience intimidated episodes, and therefore afraid of facing social situations that further you can visit SafeSleepSystems.com.
Face Your Thoughts and Feelings About Your Children With Autism
Sometimes, we are not aware of the depth of thought and emotion we have with our children. We might deny the difference. We may unconsciously get angry because they are not like neurotype children, and we may try to make them someone who they are not. We might focus too much on their weaknesses.
Make sure, as a parent, that you take the time to read the autobiography of children, adolescents, and adults on the autism spectrum. Watch TV shows and films that depict Aspergers and Autism realistically, but positively. A Go on YouTube, for example, and see a video released by Taylor Morris. As parents, teachers, individual friends with autism, we need to give them respect to understand what the autism spectrum is, and respect differences, strengths, and challenges.
After You Learn All About Autism, Teach Your Children About Its Strengths
It is very important for you to tell your child how unique he is. Learn about his special talents, interests and abilities. Help him find activities in which he can participate, which can help him learn more and build on that strength. Once your child is involved in some of these activities, he may know that he is connected with other children with similar interests.
Start small
Be aware of the other children in your child’s class who may have been connected with him. There are some special kids out there (NT) who are really good, kids who are extroverts, and they will often become a kind of social friend and friend to your child. Be proactive about bringing your child together for a play date when you are young, and help your child learn how to use the telephone to invite other children to visit. By doing this regularly, you can help your child respect his friends.
First of all, at best, one-on-one interactions because triads (three or more children) can be very confusing for your child.
Take Time to Teach: Before, During and After
This is not always easy, but you are your child’s best advisor and teacher. In a non-intrusive way, talk with your child about what a good friend is like. You might want to check your local library for children’s books that talk about and teach friendship in a story. This will help prepare your child for the concept of friendship.
During play, you may need to intervene if you see inappropriate behavior, or if you see that your child is not too involved.
After the play date, you can talk with your child about how time has passed, and discuss what went well, and what can be done differently.
Realize that Your Child Can Really Enjoy and Need Time Alone
Alone is not the worst thing in the world. individuals on the autism spectrum are often confused by how desperate NT seems to want to be connected. Time alone between time with friends allows your child to explore his interests, away from the sounds and distracting lights, and in his comfort zone, which is usually his room or house.
Research beneficial social skills materials and share them with school social workers
School social workers have limited time, but they can be very helpful in helping your child in the autism spectrum learn appropriate social skills. If you are involved in your child’s individual education planning, I suggest you look for Michelle Garcia Winner on the internet. All material on social thought is very valuable and written with the teacher so that these social skills can be written into your child’s individual education plan. He writes in a way that can be understood by educators so that social and emotional intelligence can be broken down into goals and objectives for your child.
I hope these tips are useful for you. Let me know what other ideas you have!