Many people have not heard about Cannabidiol, the compound which has slowly taken over the nootropics market. It’s extracted from the cannabis plant, usually bought in the form of CBD oil.
Both your physical and mental health can benefit from the consumption of this miracle nootropic. It’s known for its numerous pain-relieving, anti-anxiety and calming benefits which makes it the perfect substance for people who lead a fight with cancer, depression, Parkinson’s and Alzheimer’s disease, insomnia or epilepsy.
The number of countries legalizing CBD oil is gradually increasing as well as the number of companies offering this type of oil for sale. You can find it in the form of full-spectrum or broad-spectrum CBD; the only difference being in the absence of THC in the latter one. Therefore, if you live in England and you need to use its therapeutic benefits without THC entering your organism, you’ll have no problem in finding broad-spectrum CBD UK sellers.
But the question is, do all of them sell the same high-quality cannabidiol? How to find the best one on the online market? Read the following tips to find out.
Determine the reason for using it while selecting the right dosage
Having numerous benefits doesn’t exactly mean that you can use CBD for any type of disease or pain. Prior to purchasing it, do a detailed research on its full range of uses and check if you should use it as a treatment. For instance, it can help in treating a few types of epilepsy, but not all of them.
Regardless of how desperate you are to find a cure for your health problem, it’s always better to check if you’re using the right substance. Otherwise, you might end up causing more damage to your organism.
Therefore, if you aren’t sure in its exact uses, visit your doctor as he/she is the best person to consult with. In case the doctor decides that this oil would be beneficial for your problem, you should also ask for help in determining the right dosage.

Dosage varies according to the effect you wish to achieve. Like other substances, you are advised to start consuming a smaller dosage in the beginning and slowly increase it if necessary.
Select a consumption method
CBD can be found in various forms, the most common ones being capsules, topical creams, vaping oils and tinctures. Each form has its advantages, differing in the longevity of their effect and the time they need to start affecting your organism.
Capsules are the easiest method of administration as they don’t have any taste or smell. They come in different dosages, so you need to purchase the ones which fit your needs and swallow them with water. Depending on the amount of CBD in the capsules, their effect can last at least six to maximum of twelve hours.
The topical form is mostly used for alleviation of pain or reducing inflammation on specific parts of your body. Many people also use it to treat their acne problem. It doesn’t provide a long-lasting effect, but it’s great for people who can’t use the other methods. You just need to clean the spot and apply the right dosage.

In order to use the vamping form, you need a vaporizer which will transform the oil into vapor which you are supposed to inhale. This is the most efficient method, as cannabidiol goes straight to your lungs and then in your blood system, enabling you to feel its effect immediately. Visit this page to learn more about the vaping method.
Tincture is the most concentrated form of CBD, which is usually used as a food or drinks supplement, due to its strong taste and smell. You can even use it directly, by placing drops under your tongue. Its effect lasts up to six hours.
Check the THC levels
Cannabidiol can be extracted both from the hemp and marihuana plant. You need to know which plant your oil is extracted from, in order to determine the levels of THC. If it’s derived from the hemp plant, THC won’t be more than 0.3 percent, but it can go as high as 35 percent when being derived from the marihuana plant.
You need to know this fact, as THC is the most common cause for legal problems, it’s wise to check the law regulations in your country. In addition, this component induces psychotic effects as its percentage gets higher.
Companies which sell CBD, should provide this information for you. If not, you should inquire about it and ask for test results confirming this data. Those companies which are reliable and reputable will have nothing to hide. Don’t purchase from sellers who avoid giving you an answer.
Look for products tested in independent laboratories
There is a great competition of CBD sellers on the market spending a lot of money on testing their products, so that the customers consider them as trustworthy vendors. They usually test these products in independent laboratories as it gives them more credit and reliability.

Therefore, look for sellers who state this information on their website or on the package, as they are certainly going to do it, considering the amount of money they pay for the tests. You can even contact the manufacturer via phone or e-mail and ask for details on the laboratory results.
Most companies have special customer support units who serve to answer all of the potential customers’ questions and persuade them in the quality of their products.
Wrap up
In case you are thinking about purchasing cannabidiol, first of all make sure that you really need it by doing extensive research or paying a visit to your doctor.
If this product is the right one for you, define the appropriate dosage and method of administration in order to reduce the wide selection.
Last but not least, gather all the information on its THC and other components levels and make sure it’s tested in independent lab!