You’re probably a fan of the gym but lately, you feel worn out and challenged because of the vigorous exercises which are sometimes very boring and excruciating. Capoeira is an alternative for you. With an origin from African natives who had a Brazilian influence, capoeira combines dance, martial arts, and acrobatics and a great deal of strength and flexibility. Power and speed are involved in this form of martial arts while also leveraging various kicks, spins, and other mobile techniques. Capoeira is not the kind of thing you want to stop once you get used to, nope; it is such a highly addictive form of martial arts and great for all ages.

Continue reading and find out the benefits of Capoeira
When engaging in capoeira, every part of the body is involved; there is moving around on your hands using handstands, poses, rolls and such. Therefore the upper body is strengthened. The movements also highly engage the abs and the core strength and therefore your body is trained on high and quick response, thus you’re able to cope with ridiculous and rigorous movements. Inherently, there is a growth and development of quick-twitch muscle fibers which increase the efficiency of the blood muscles and thus enhancing its flow and breathing. With capoeira, you become a highly flexible person and this lowers the risk of high blood pressure. Your body co-ordination system is also highly enhanced among other benefits.
Acrobatics involves the performance of extraordinary feats of agility, balance and motor coordination. It requires a quick response and coordination of all body parts. Capoeira allows you to increase your body flexibility and lower the risk of injury which is key in acrobatics.
The music involved in capoeira is one that deals with the soul and the psychology of the involved. Like Yoga, there is involvement in meditation which helps in the overall physical and psychological health. Thus you become a highly productive person. The music is majorly based on Brazilian culture and history and therefore it helps you learn so many values in this culture that are helpful in life.
Capoeira’s rhythm, in other words, called the torque is what differentiates this form of martial arts with other forms. It is done by the masters of viola de samba which is an imitation of the Luna bird’s song. The rhythms are a modification of the African rhythmic music which was further advanced by the slaves of Brazil. The rhythm helps in your body flexibility while building muscle strength.
Capoeira just like other forms of martial arts involves all the body parts and what makes it stand out is its ability to coordinate all the body response systems so that all parts are balanced. Your muscle twitch becomes very effective. The inner ear, the sinus, and the brain work together along with the body muscles to bring a good body posture.
The high energy workout in capoeira helps in aligning the body, soul, and spirit. Unlike many other games, this is done with a community of other passionate and supportive capoeiristas and this improves your overall muscle and body energy.
The above is just a ‘tip of the iceberg’; join a Martial Arts School today and take advantage of the incredible benefits. Capoeira is an amazing form of martial arts that will help in the coordination of your body, spirit, and soul while giving your perfect body muscle response and overall health. Try capoeira and see the difference it brings to your life.