5 Advantages Of Getting Dental Implants

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Generally, adult teeth from the upper and lower jaw are in its static and dynamic equilibrium. If one tooth is missing, the balancing of the bite relationship, jaw movement, and tooth alignment get disturbed.

Teeth generally function in pairs; the upper and the lower teeth. If the upper tooth, for example, is missing, the lower tooth starts moving in an upward direction, trying to occupy the space which is meant for the upper. This is called migration or shifting of the teeth, which is not desirable.

Shifting of the teeth also leads to gaps, which start developing between the teeth. This is one of the reasons why replacing a missing tooth is very important. The other reason for the replacement of missing teeth is because of lack of masticatory efficiency on the affected side. Missing teeth also affects intelligible speech.

There are many other reasons why missing teeth need to be replaced as soon as possible. But what could be the best option for replacing lost teeth? Statistics will tell you that dental implants are the highly-preferred method for restoring missing teeth.

What is a dental implant?

Modern dentistry has made tremendous strides over recent years that even teeth which are severely damaged can frequently be saved. When it comes to tooth replacement, most dentists recommend dental implants. An implant into the jawbone can support a crown, bridge or denture and prevent gum tissue and jawbone shrinkage. Check out Studio B Dental for more info about dental implants.

Dental implants can be used in people who are looking for a long-term solution to missing teeth. An implant is made of a titanium screw that inserted in the jawbone to replace the roots of a missing tooth and supports a custom made crown. It feels like a natural tooth because it is supported by your natural teeth. It doesn’t move during function like eating or speaking.

5 Advantages Of Getting Dental Implants

It Prevents Consequences Of Missing Teeth

There are hidden consequences to living without your teeth. Once you lose your teeth, you will continually lose bone for the rest of your life. For this reason, eating and speaking can be difficult, your confidence may fade and your appearance may change. Missing teeth may also affect the way that you interact with others. An implant can prevent a chain reaction of problems including loss of jawbone, shifting teeth, difficulty keeping teeth free of plaque and bacteria, grinding an clenching and pain in the jaw joints. Whether you’re missing one tooth, several teeth or all of your teeth, dental implants can be used to fully restore your smile and it’s the only method of tooth replacement that can halt bone loss to avoid the potential problems you can get from having missing teeth.

It Gets Your Confidence Back

A proper replacement can get your confidence back. In the past, a bridge was the only option to replace a missing tooth with a fixed method. But with bridges, the adjacent teeth have to be grinded. With a dental implant, there is no need to touch the adjacent teeth and the missing teeth can be replaced for a result that is much more stronger and permanent so you can confidently smile, chew your food better and help you feel better about yourself.

It Improves Long-Term Oral Health

Since dental implants integrate into the structure of your bone, it feels like your old teeth and no one will ever know that you have a replacement tooth. Moreover, dental implants are the best tooth replacement method because you don’t have to cut down the tooth on either side of the missing tooth so as a traditional bridge does. In other words, you do not sacrifice the quality of your adjacent teeth. Thus, more of your own teeth are left untouched which is a significant long-term benefit to your oral health.

Unmatched Success Rate

Because they are reliable and durable, the success and survival rate of dental implants is highly predictable for up to 95-98% compared to many other dental procedures. Although the remaining percentage are failures, it’s generally with people who have some uncontrolled systemic illness. The best thing about implants, too, is it doesn’t matter what age the person is, elderly people in their 80s and 90s can still be ideal candidates for the dental implant procedure.

It Lasts A Lifetime

Dental implants are made of titanium metal and therefore are not susceptible to dental decay. They’re also not susceptible to needing endodontic therapy so they have the potential to last a lifetime. Nevertheless, with proper oral hygiene care, a dental implant can last for decades. This makes it a popular choice for many patients who are missing teeth.